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Unlisted Capital is not a recognized stock exchange or a SEBI-authorized trading platform under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. We sell shares from our portfolio or on behalf of clients, including companies and institutions, seeking liquidity for their investments. Sellers list their shares with us, and buyers place their requests. Based on the availability of shares, we match buyers and sellers to facilitate seamless transactions.
Unlisted Capital is a brand owned by Legacy Capital, a partnership firm. The registered office of Legacy Capital is located at Innov8, Orchid Centre, 3rd Floor, Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram, 122002.
The information provided on the Unlisted Capital platform ( regarding unlisted equities is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice, a recommendation, or a solicitation to invest. Unlisted Capital and its representatives are not SEBI-registered research analysts or advisors.
Any research, analysis, or data shared on this platform does not constitute financial advice or an endorsement by Unlisted Capital or its affiliates. Investors are strongly advised to conduct independent and comprehensive research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. All investment decisions are made at your sole discretion.
Unlisted equities carry a higher risk profile than listed securities, including but not limited to liquidity risks, regulatory uncertainties, and market volatility. Potential investors must carefully evaluate these risks.
Buyers and sellers confirm their compliance with all applicable laws and regulations under SEBI, RBI, FEMA, and the Companies Act, 2013, or any other relevant Indian laws pertaining to the purchase of unlisted shares. Any violation of these laws will lead to legal consequences for the concerned party.
We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified financial advisor to assess the suitability of such investments based on your personal financial circumstances, investment goals, and risk tolerance. Additionally, investors should thoroughly review and understand the detailed risk disclosures and profiles associated with unlisted equities before proceeding with any investment.
Unlisted Capital, operating through, provides research reports, blogs, financials and ratios for educational and informational purposes only and not as investment advice. We compete for accuracy, but cannot guarantee the precision of the information on our website due to inherent risks. Therefore, buyers and sellers of unlisted shares are strongly advised to conduct thorough due diligence before making any transactions.
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